Influencers Inspiring

How Kris DM Wins Instagram Beyond #FeedGoals

Sure, having an Instagram feed that’s pleasing to the eye can probably get you the following you want.

But now that Instagram surfaces content based on the likelihood that a person will be interested in it, sticking to #feedgoals might not be enough for your content to be seen. When algorithm is king, aesthetics are crucial, but engagement is also key.

This is something that Kris DM constantly reminds himself as he posts for his 48,000 followers on Instagram. With that huge a following, Kris admits that it’s easy fall into the trap of simply posting photos, believing that your followers will automatically see them.

But Kris does not rest on his laurels. “Whether on the feed or in Stories, I make sure my content is engaging,” he told The Crafters by phone. 

Connect with your audience

How does Kris engage with his audience? It could be as simple as asking questions or posing challenges to hear from your followers to actually replying to their comments just so they know there’s a real person behind the feed.

“Always remember that you won’t be where you are without your followers,” Kris emphasized. “If you want them to remain engaged with your page, you need to let them know that they are important to you.”ALSO READ: Influencers Are Not BillboardsAdd a personal touch

Brands sometimes provide for briefs that are rigid, leading to what critics have come to call cookie-cutter content. Kris has had his share of such clients but insists on giving posts a personal touch.

“Don’t just copy paste,” Kris said, reminding both budding and seasoned influencers to discourage brands from treating you like a billboard. “I usually ask for the mandatories and key messages and then I arch my caption around them,” he added.

Be choosy

It’s true that even in content when there is demand, you supply. Kris however believes that you should not post for the sake of posting. “I only post content that I feel will add value to my feed,” he explained.

Planning your posts will allow you to build a strategy and garner high-quality followers. At the end of the day, for both content and followers, quality beats quantity.

Does Kris DM have a secret for engagement? Nothing besides posting lots of shirtless photos of himself, the travel and fitness influencer quipped.

But we think it helps that he doesn’t think of himself merely as an endorser. “It has to be in between: You’re promoting, you’re enjoying. You believe in the product, you like what you’re doing,” Kris said.ALSO READ: Jelito De Leon and the Influence of Creatives

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